It is a case study of Disposal of oversized trash

SangyouHaikibutsu SyuusyuuUnpangyou Kyokabangou No.05600158419 / Kanagawaken Kouaniinkai No.451930004961

Thank you for your review on Google “Nishida Service”.

Thank you for your comments on Google review.
Your review is our encouragement.


Nishida service will continue to strive to provide better service.

We provide the following services:
-Disposal of Office garbage
-Disposing of Furniture
-Electronic Recycling
-Cleaning Room
-Sodai gomi
-PC Recycling

If you are interested in our services,
you can also contact us by phone or email.

Inquiries by email for quotation / consultation
TEL: 0120-991-990

Inquiry of the disposalInquiry of the disposal

Main shop:691-2,Kachidacho,Tsuzukiku,Yokohama,Kanagawa TEL:045-271-0023 FAX:045-271-8907 / Representative: Hisao Nishida

Type of Business:Handyman,Disposal Service / working day: Always open

SangyouHaikibutsu SyuusyuuUnpangyou Kyokabangou No.05600158419 / Kanagawaken Kouaniinkai No.451930004961